I'm also a recovering vegan. I'm so grateful for these pills. Even eating a meat-based diet, I didn't substantial improvements until I started the liver pills. On another note, I am so grateful for you and your content. It all resonates so deeply. Thanks for being you.
Within a month of taking Mother's Best Liver Pills, I noticed a drastic improvement in my energy levels. My whole life, I have suffered from heavy, painful periods. I've been unable to move my iron ferritin levels above a 7 in over 20 years. I'm 39 now and working on getting to a place of optimal health so that I can conceive in the future.
I could cry with joy. I never in my whole life knew what it meant to have energy- not even as a child. Everything exhausted me and I've been disabled because of my chronic fatigue and reproductive challenges. This bleed cycle after having taken the liver pills for 3 weeks leading up to my bleed, I noticed that I bled much less and I also noticed that I had less pain, which has supported me in lowering my doses of Advil. I also noticed I was not completely wiped out. Instead of lying in bed for a week and then taking two weeks of the month to recover, I have been walking every day of my cycle.
It's truly unbelievable. Other changes I have noticed include major vision improvements. I had been suffering from blurry vision, floaters and difficulty seeing for the last two years. My vision has completely cleared up. It is sharp and clear!! I have also noticed that my hunger is much more even. My appetite is a bit suppressed and I'm not dealing with cravings for carbs. Honestly, this feels like a miracle. I have been taking between 6-12 pills a day and will continue to do so to support fertility and healing.
Liz, Farmington, CT
Juliane, Santa Cruz CA
I’m so very grateful, i could cry. (I am crying LOL). I so appreciate the ways you and the cows and the land have nourished me this last year. I went from being vegan for almost 10 years and undernourished and depressed to feeling alive again. I can’t thank you enough. You don’t know how thankful I am.
Chesley, Brooklyn, NY
Thank you so much, loving these liver pills. After 3.5 years vegan/vegetarian, I'm finally honoring my body's LOUD messages about deficiencies (I'm too young for chronic mind-body fatigue....) and returning to balance in every way. What a wonderful journey towards true embodied health I am on.... your interview on Medicine Stories with Amber was so profoundly eye opening, one of my favorites ever. I will be sharing it with all ready ears.
Amon, Rhode Island
My anemia was severe. My broken brain couldn’t process anything. My home was always a disorganized mess of random crap in places it never belonged. Making decisions was a nightmare. I know this sounds extreme but my life was completely chaotic. But, now? I could weep thinking about it. My productivity levels have reached heights I never dreamed of reaching. I have a home that flows with organization and tidiness. My children are cared for in a way that they feel secure in because meeting their needs was once beyond exhausting. And it still is - but my mind is clear now and I can discern when to feed them and what - prior, and I know this may sound silly, I was in such a mental fog, preventing me from planning our days in a way that made any sense.
I could truly go on and on. Your liver pills have restored my faith in more ways than I could ever describe.Thank you so much and sending so much love to you and what you’re doing and what you’ve done for my life.
Liz, California
For my last birthday, Dec.31, 2018, I planned ahead as it can always be a dark time for me. I tried to make time for myself (having a 4 year old and 2 year old has been the most emotionally and physically draining thing I have ever done) so I scheduled acupuncture with Lis Goldschmidt at Five Pins in San Francisco. She told me about your liver pills and I ordered them as soon as they were back in stock. I can’t tell you how much better I have felt with that small supplementation. I have my kids taking them as well. I feel like I’m just coming out of the fog of motherhood now. With so little in place to support us and everything we are responsible for it’s so inspiring to see you representing us so honestly. Your pills have put me on a path to care for myself and my family in a healthier way. Your voice has helped me to accept that everyday is not a catalog cover and living in reality is more important then using all my energy to attempt perfection.
-Jen, San Francisco
Hi! I'm just about done with my first bottle of your liver pills. I stumbled across your Instagram through someone else I follow and am so happy I did. I'm currently nursing a 3 year old and 18 month old and recently figured out that I've had adrenal fatigue for months. I felt like I was pretty much dying every day - my hair was brittle and I was bruising a ton and so much other crap. My period hadn't started up again since my youngest's birth and I figured it was because my body was working too hard and was in basic survival mode. I've been doing all the things that are recommended for recovery from adrenal fatigue, but oh my gosh, I feel amazing after taking these liver pills. My period is back. And I feel strong. I haven't felt this way in a long time and I completely believe it's because of your pills. So I'm just writing to say thank you for doing your thing and sharing it with the world.
-Alicia, San Jose
So, the pills are freaking amazing. I think perhaps I have been slightly anemic for a long time. It's still hard AF to get out of bed these dark winter mornings, but I have increased energy (like balls out energy). But the best thing has been the increased concentration. I am feeling sharp in my day to day in a way that I haven't in a while. And taking six pills a day has been fine - I just have to do it slowly to avoid the gag reflex :). Thanks for providing such an awesome service.
-Nicole, Seattle
Thank YOU Suuzi! I can't even tell you how much I love the liver pills, my hair has grown like CRAZY over the past few months, I know it must be from them. A ton of it fell out from the dry weather when we lived in Calgary, and I tried everything for the past 3 years to get it to grow again. Started taking your pills and its growing like a weed and so thick and healthy, even with all the crap I do to it!
-Devon, BC, Canada
I'm already noticing the liver helping...my period arrived this week and I don't feel nearly as wiped out as usual!
Rachel, Louisiana
My own experience with your liver pills has been remarkable: I ran out of my placenta pills (except for a few stashed in the freezer for menopause, I am planning ahead) and I noticed a dip in my energy and overall mood. Being 2 months postpartum, I felt thrown by my emotional and energetic weirdness (though it made sense to me based on conversations with other mamas and midwives) and discovering your pills was such an incredible Instagram gift. They have made a huge difference in my life and I'm truly grateful for them. Sending you a great big hug for your incredible work and inspiring voice.
Kelly, California
I just wanted to say that I've been taking a couple of your liver pills a day (since I'm a shrimp) and my skin hasn't looked this clear since before I hit puberty! I can't believe it. I feel so much more confident about myself, which is such a gift. I think my eyes look brighter as well! And I'm getting back out there and dating again! Whut?! Thank you for being you and doing what you do, lady!
Sarah Jane, East Tennessee
My little peanut man decided to be born early 2 weeks ago. Actually I should say my damn placenta previa bled and evicted the poor guy. Luckily he was a little 34 weeker rock star and only needed 8 days of NICU time to feed and grow. He's a breastfeeding champ! Your liver pills have definitely been helping me recover from a pretty significant bleed and subsequent c-section! I'm feeling pretty great for being 2 weeks postpartum!
Melissa, San Diego
Your liver pills have been AMAZING! After years of struggling with anemia, thyroid issues and the related hair loss- after one month on your magic liver pills I feel healthier than ever! And the hair growth! I cant't believe it! All these new inch long dark hairs filling in my hairline and temples - when I run my hands through it I can feel how thicker it is at the scalp- it fills me with hope!
Lisa, Los Angeles
I was also making the girls at the Bachelorette Party this past weekend take doses of the Liver Pills as a hangover cure! The next day, they all asked for more cuz they helped!
Sierra Baker, RN, San Diego, CA
I'd love to order two more bottles...these pills are literally changing my life. I actually have ENERGY.
Julie, NYC
I recently finished my first bottle of liver pills, and they are amazing :) Since starting the pills, I have increased energy and just feel SO much better. I have been a vegan for almost 10 years, and recently decided that I wanted to start integrating animal products back into my diet. With that said, I am taking it really slow, and thought that a pill form of an organ meat might be a nice way to start. I am so glad I gave it a shot! Whenever you make a new batch, I would love to order a few more bottles from you! Thank you for providing us all with such a great product.
Kendall, Maryland
Hey! So I'm on day 2 and am BLOWN AWAY by how I feel!!! I have so much energy and the brain fog is gone.
Katrina, BC, Canada